Casino and Sports Keep up with the trends

Casino and Sports: Keep up with the Trends

One of the most important trends in the casino and sports betting industries in recent years is the rise of a technology trend where a single client uses multiple software providers to expand the product offerings to players. Many times, the software runs on different platforms, which can lead to integration issues.

This scenario is problematic for small bookmakers. It also creates significant operational costs. New, small, or medium-sized sportsbooks cannot compete with larger companies that have the resources and budget to hire full-time engineers and developers to handle the various providers and all technical integration.

These bookies have the opportunity to win this market by registering with ABCPerHead, the best PPH online sportsbook software provider. They have paid top dollar to integrate the best software providers into one user-friendly backend. Players and agents can both access product and feature information from the same account via the same website. ABCPerHead’s vision and insight have enabled them to see that online bookies must attract new types of players in order to grow their profits. Independent bookies are able to use ABCPerHead.

This allows them to offer sports, horse racing, and casino products under one brand. It makes it easier for players to have a more enjoyable gaming experience.


Both agents and bettors are looking for more advanced software products. While many pay per head shops offer similar product portfolios, ABCPerHead is able to help agents differentiate themselves and customize their brands. ABCPerHead has a range of tools built into their existing agent console and white label product solutions that allow them to create unique websites that can be promoted as a standalone business. Agents have complete control over their product and the best sportsbook software are at their disposal.

White-label solutions are tailored to the specific needs of players and agents. This strategy helps increase player retention and facilitates acquisition. ABCPerHead’s platform focuses on flexibility. All products are integrated into one backend. However, it is easy to turn on or off particular products. Agents can disable or enable a feature either for an entire PPH package or just for one person. You can customize each feature in the suite, including wager limits and balances.

ABCPerHead’s goal is to build a betting interface which can connect to a variety of third party providers in order to continually increase their offerings. This will satisfy customer demand, expectation, and provide a better betting experience for all parties.

Talk to an ABCPerHead representative to learn how they can assist you in achieving your casino and sports betting solutions.

Let ABC Per Head help you to start an online sportsbook for free with cutting edge wagering Mobile Pay-per-Head software. Learn more about How many bettors wager, making the most of Your PPH and why Use ABCperHead ServicesFollow us on Social Media for PPH latest info!